Getting Started on a Juice Fast

Everyday life can be wearing on the body with the unhealthy food and drinks we consume, the air pollutants we breathe, and the stress of daily life. All this can lead to the accumulation of toxins which can cause lethargy, lower immunity, and hormonal imbalance, to name a few.

A juice fast or cleanse has been popular in America for decades as a self-help solution for detoxing the body. It has only recently gained traction in Vietnam due to the growing interest and awareness of the benefits of healthy food and lifestyle.

What is a juice fast?

A juice fast is the consumption of only juice or liquids such as water and tea over a period of time from a minimum of one day to as long as a month. One of the advantages of doing a juice fast as opposed to strict fasting (only water) is that the body receives vital nutrients from the vegetable and fruit which goes directly into the bloodstream without having to burden the digestive system.

The health benefits

There is a long list of health benefits such as reducing inflammation (arthritis), promoting detoxification by eliminating stored toxins, and balancing blood pressure. In general, after a juice fast, you feel more energetic because your body is doing less work in addition to receiving vital nutrients which goes directly into your bloodstream.

‘the success of a juice fast is not only about adhering to the fasting guidelines but also being prepared and managing expectations.’

How does it work

A couple of days before starting the fast, it is recommended to start cutting back on processed foods, sugars, dairy, red meats, alcohol, and caffeine so the body can adapt more easily to a purely juice diet.

The first two days of the cleanse are admittedly the most difficult where managing food cravings and experiencing uncomfortable side effects such as headaches can be challenging. Coffee drinkers are more susceptible to experiencing withdrawal headaches which is the top reason why people give up on the first couple of days.

According to the Mandala Juice cleansing guideline, drinking green tea as a coffee substitute during the fast can help prevent headaches and they also advise snacking on nuts and seeds if the hunger becomes unbearable or you feel lethargic. Their philosophy is that it is better to continue the fast in a moderate way than to give up altogether.

After the third day, the body will start feeling lighter and more invigorated as it adapts to this new routine. Just as there is a pre-fast guideline, the post-fast is equally important. To break the juice fast, it is important to slowly introduce solid foods with only fruit (a banana) for the first day, adding salads and steamed vegetables on the second.

After the fast (particularly those on a longer fast), you will notice that the appetite has decreased and the body craves healthier food options. This is an excellent opportunity to re-program your body, especially if your goal is for a healthy lifestyle change.

Photo courtesy of Mandala Juice

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